Long-term monitoring in debt collection - because we do not forget your receivables

If your debtor does not currently have sufficient creditworthiness to meet your claims, and if enforcement of titled claims also proves to be economically unreasonable, professional debt collection/long-term monitoring is the method of choice.  After all, your debtor’s financial situation may well change: a new job, an inheritance, overcoming insolvency … in the course of long-term monitoring, we check the asset and income situation of your debtor at regular intervals.

If long-term monitoring reveals a financial improvement in your debtor, we specialize in taking targeted measures to realize your claim directly. Payment difficulties are rarely permanent, so it pays to have staying power.

So that you can still get your money: Long-term monitoring in debt collection

If you yourself already have judgments or other enforcement titles, we will be happy to take these over for dubious debt collection / long-term monitoring and – if economically sensible, after consultation with you – also initiate the necessary measures. Further correspondence with our trusted attorneys will of course be handled by us. We will clarify the risk of legal costs with you in advance, so that there are no unpleasant surprises!

In order to be able to react quickly to events, we use intelligent, automated process flows as part of the long-term monitoring of a claim. This enables us to trigger the optimal collection measure at the right time. Our receivables managers then contact the debtor and show him how he can meet his payment obligations, e.g. by paying in installments. In this way, receivables that have already been written off can also be converted back into liquidity and booked as extraordinary income without any effort. With our comprehensive permanent monitoring, we secure your claims in the long term.


Get to know the complete service portfolio of Eurincasso

The Eurincasso service packages are modularly structured in order to offer you the exact services that fit your requirements, depending on the amount of the claim:

Debt collection

Domestic collection

Foreign debt collection

Debt collection on site

Out-of-court debt collection

Judicial debt collection

Dubious debt collection / long-term monitoring

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The advantages of dubious debt collection / long-term monitoring

Within the scope of long-term monitoring, we hardly miss any changes in the liquidity situation of your debtor(s). To make sure you get your money, we keep an eye on your debtors for several decades if necessary. In concrete terms this means

  • systematic monitoring
  • as far as possible, regular contact with the debtor and thus a signal effect
  • constant credit assessment and address validation
  • consistent follow-up management to monitor personal and economic changes with your debtor
  • adjusted payment plans
  • possibility to realize already written off receivables
  • commissions are only charged in case of success

We would be happy to present our options to you and discuss your wishes and ideas with you!

Use our online order and send us your outstanding receivables quickly and easily!

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Thumegger Straße 2
AT-5033 Salzburg

Phone: +43 662 621522-0
E-Mail: info@eurincasso.at